Trend Alert. Should you get your colours done?

Getting your colours done is trending.  Social media (primarily ‘the ticky tocky’, as I’m inclined to call it when in earshot of my Gen Z offspring) is awash with seasonal colour analysis filters that aim, in principle, to answer conclusively the question of...

How to dodge discount disasters during EOFY sales

It’s that time of year when the shopping gods bless us with the glorious EOFY sales. But hold your horses, my lovely! Amidst the apparent blessings is a fashion frenzy that can have even the most savvy shopper falling over their stilettos and stumbling into some...

Maximising your Wardrobe

There’s panic at the disco. We all know that one. There aren’t many of us who didn’t belt out the lyrics ‘haven’t you people ever heard of closing the damn door’ throughout the early noughties. Many of us are also far too familiar with...

Are you personal styling material?

There’s something to be said for arriving at that season of working life where one is no longer viewed as, dare I say it, a spring chicken. I’ve been in the Personal Styling industry now for nigh on fifteen years and in an industry that’s a relative newborn in...

Five critical clothes shopping mistakes

You want something done? Ask a busy woman.  Women field so many competing priorities for their time and so deciding what to wear – and what to buy – becomes an inconvenient necessity that they simply don’t have the headspace for. Shopping for clothes...