Can you even begin to imagine a day without your phone?!
Some days, when I’m stuck behind my desk and glued to my phone I indulge myself in a daydream. It’s a blue sky day and I’m on a tropical island, perfectly sun-kissed, suitably kaftaned and cocktail ready.
I’m also phone free. You feelin’ me?
All is going to plan until the jarring reality hits that I actually need my pesky pinging pal to capture this moment of paradise and share my ‘so this just happened…’ completely unmanufactured life to my social feed of choice.
And it becomes exceedingly clear that if my phone remains a necessary reality in my fantasy island dreams, then a working day without it would be altogether unthinkable. The phone is an essential tool in a working (and fantasy island vacaying) woman’s arsenal.
The same can be said about a working woman’s wardrobe. (This is equally applicable to working men but my focus is on closing the Style Gap for women (as coined by Arianna Huffington)).
And while similar to the phone fantasy, some of us might dream of wearing active wear to the office (at least for the sake of ease and comfort), it comes as no surprise that that won’t cut the sartorial mustard at work (duh).
On the other hand, the corporate battle gear of old and dressing to mirror our male counterparts to fit in isn’t really where it’s at either. In fact, dressing to fit in and conform has the potential to damage your leadership brand in the 21st century. Invisible clothes can make you very visible (think high vis vest visible) for the wrong reasons.
So what is needed?
If you’re serious about:
- saving time, money and mind share (and the planet) and closing the Style Gap
- leveraging your style, image and appearance and seeing it as an opportunity to elevate your brand, rather than another stressful and annoying chore to avoid until things get really desperate (Saturday afternoon panic buying I’m looking at you)
- gaining a competitive advantage in the workplace as a dynamic thinker by dressing yourself for high performance and mindset (yup, enclothed cognition, it’s a thing that I’ll continue to bang on about),
then a phenomenal wardrobe that provides:
- solutions, not problems; and
- outfits that communicate your competence as an inspiring and irreplaceable leader,
is essential.
This is a wardrobe that works for you and that also perfectly reflects you.
Imagine how you’d feel heading out the door every morning knowing that you have your:
- Phone. Tick.
- Skill and ability. Tick.
- Phenomenal wardrobe (including well-fitting bra). Tick.
What are the other essentials that you need for success in your working day? I’d love to hear about them.
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