Nicole Vine – Personal Stylist

JumpStart Your Style Workshop
Do you ever wonder why – and how – some women look so effortlessly stylish and put together? It just seems so easy for them. Guess what? It doesn’t have to be that hard! It can be just as easy for you too- you just need to jumpstart your style!
My JumpStart Your Style Workshop is an incredibly fun and inspiring day of practical, hands-on learning with a side of shopping. I share my favourite tips and strategies for shopping and for putting together an effortless wardrobe before we put theory into practice with some of my favourite brands. It’s knowledge-packed, laughter-filled and did someone say bubbles?
Every day, I work with women who feel like their wardrobe just simply isn’t working for them:
• They start their days with overwhelm, chaos and confusion
• They have a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear
• They get dressed on autopilot OR in a state of panic OR a mix of both.
The JumpStart Your Style Workshop removes those angst-ridden decisions about what to buy and what to wear.
Here’s what’s included:
• A fun day sans your partner and kids aka those you love dearly but who H-A-T-E being dragged around the shops
• My insights, expertise and knowledge, cultivated and curated over a decade of helping women to feel stylish and confident
• A style moodboard, workbook and a goody bag
• A beautiful learning space with fabulous food- that you don’t have to cook yourself
• Access to my swoon-worthy little black book- hello stylist insider discounts, tips and offers
• Discounts to my personal styling services post-workshop.
My JumpStart Your Style Workshop is ideal for women who:
Love clothes, fashion and style but know they don’t make the best use of their wardrobe
Feel a bit lost at sea with their personal style and don’t quite know where to start
Want to explore their personal style with an expert
Want to learn some new thinking and get some new perspective on how they approach their style and shopping
Want space to think, play and learn about the concept of style surrounded by like-minded women.
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