If we’re going to be friends, we have to agree on one thing.

Style matters. (Maybe also the benefits of lying in a warm pile of laundry eating bread, but that’s for another day).

And even though we agree on this (really, we do) we know that many women find the ‘what to buy’ and ‘what to wear’ decisions breathtakingly difficult.

When our days are already too short, we don’t have the time or energy to spend more than a few minutes deciding what to wear. We throw together an outfit without thinking about the message it sends to the world, or to ourselves. We’re getting dressed on autopilot or in an overwhelmed state of panic.

And you know the worst bit? We’ve worked hard and achieved professional or business success. We’re highly skilled experts in our fields. So why does something as simple as getting dressed feel so hard?

Because so often we’re fixated (think Kathy Bates’ character in the movie Misery fixated) on the clothes.

The clothes we already have in our wardrobe that don’t fit, that don’t flatter and that we’ve never worn despite them costing a small fortune.

Or, the clothes that we don’t have in our wardrobe that we’re convinced are the holy grail of style and all things ‘polished and put together’, if only we could find them (enter rocking horse poop metaphor).

But style is not just about the clothes. And personal styling (oh look, that’s what I do!) is not just about shopping for the clothes.

Style is a mix of knowledge, confidence and ability.

Knowledge about body shape, body proportions, complexion and colouring, personal style identity and wardrobe-lifestyle fit.

Confidence that you have ticked off the basics, including properly fitting underwear, a flattering and easy to maintain hairstyle and an effortless skincare and make-up routine.

Ability to shop purposefully for versatile pieces, create outfits with ease and work with trends rather than be ruled by them.

And personal styling is executing all of the above (aka the NV Style System).

It’s important to note here, that it is most definitely NOT hitting the shops on our first meeting to find a few ‘noice’ pieces and leaving you to work it out from there.

It’s working closely with a client to identify and assess (without judgment) each woman’s unique style mix and translating that into a perfectly curated, stylish and inspirational wardrobe (praise be, now it’s about the clothes) that reflects her personality, position, and lifestyle, and feels completely effortless.

It’s putting in place a system that ensures that your style is neither an afterthought nor all-consuming.

If you’re ready to experience effortless style and unforgettable presence (and exchange tips on how to keep the bread crumbs off the fresh laundry) I’d be so pleased to hear from you.

Until next time
